Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Come Full Circle, Man

Alright so I haven't been updating my college experiences.

Sorry about that.

It's 5pm as I'm typing away on my Mac on the couch in front of a window in the blue room on a warm and sunny Monday. I have 3 days of classes left before finals week. This is the end of my freshman year at KU.

I've learned a lot of things in classes and a lot of things about myself. I have also learned a lot about staying safe and being responsible in party situations (by trial and error of course, let's be honest.)

For those who are about to enter the college atmosphere let me just state:
You will NOT understand college life until you are there. Living it.

I can't even begin to explain what it's like to be a college student. It's the middle ground between high school and REAL LIFE. You have a ton of freedom on top of stress.

My best advice is go all out, but keep up with your studies.
Keep it real!
Stay classy or don't! Because it's YOUR life now.

The best thing about college friends is they are as real as it gets. You're finally CHOOSING your friends instead of being stuck around the kids you could never get away from in your hometown.

Also - DO NOT forget your friends from your hometown because they most likely know you the best. They've known you the longest and during your 'developing' years and will always be there for you. Hopefully, that is.

The best part about college classes is being able to take the classes that INTEREST you and if you are stuck in a class that bores the shit out of you then DROP IT or change majors. For real. You have the choice now.

... and with that...

Make smart choices. Better said than done. I've made some interesting choices, but I don't regret them. If anything I praise myself for having the balls to do some of the things I did my freshman year. So when you get ridiculously shcwastey-faced and find yourself sitting on the floor of a bathroom with your legs sticking out under the stall and your friend comes to help you stand- don't beat yourself up over it. It happens. And if it doesn't happen you aren't LIVING. (Of course I don't condone drinking excessively, but the point is you make your choices and you should be ok with the consequences).

One of my favorite quotes is from a book I had to read in ENGL 209 this year.
"I don’t give a fuck anymore what’s behind me, or what’s ahead of me. I’m healthy. Incurably healthy. No sorrows, no regrets. No past, no future. The present is enough for me. Day by day. Today. Le bel aujourd’hui."
- Henry Miller "Tropic of Cancer"

That should be your college experience, because you only get about 4 years.

You should try new things!

For instance I DJ'd at KU's student radio on Saturday mornings my whole first year! It was awesome! I met new people and learned about new music/had my own radio story run!

Go to a 18+ club! I've been to Abe & Jakes (Rape & Skanks) and that was an interesting experience. I've also been to Chateau on Gay Night a couple of times and had a blast with friends.

Go to a hookah lounge! Although I did this in high school it's a great way to go chill out and it's completely legal!

Go see local concerts! Usually really cheap and a lot of fun! (like some hookers I know...)

Go protest! Be part of an activist group and go protest for something you care about!

Learn how to talk to new people! I moved into a house full of 48 other women and although it's not hard for me to be social it's still good to keep up with it and come up with better conversation starters then ("What's your major?" although I did use that one a lot...)

Don't try to hide the things that make you YOU. As cliche as that sounds when I first moved into Sellards I made sure that none of my gigantic collection of Harry Potter things followed and that was a mistake. I could've found out way sooner that I lived with some Potter-freaks if I'd just brought along some of my favorite things!

So I've been preaching a lot about how to live your college life, but you will know what's for you and what's not! I didn't have anyone give me much advice because neither of my parents spent a lot of time in college. I feel like I did really well and have come out with tons of friends and memories. :)

So yes. It comes full circle.

Live life!

Have fun!

Word hard(ish).

Don't drop out!

Hahaha yea so I think that's all for now! Love you all!

- Lana

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