Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Come Full Circle, Man

Alright so I haven't been updating my college experiences.

Sorry about that.

It's 5pm as I'm typing away on my Mac on the couch in front of a window in the blue room on a warm and sunny Monday. I have 3 days of classes left before finals week. This is the end of my freshman year at KU.

I've learned a lot of things in classes and a lot of things about myself. I have also learned a lot about staying safe and being responsible in party situations (by trial and error of course, let's be honest.)

For those who are about to enter the college atmosphere let me just state:
You will NOT understand college life until you are there. Living it.

I can't even begin to explain what it's like to be a college student. It's the middle ground between high school and REAL LIFE. You have a ton of freedom on top of stress.

My best advice is go all out, but keep up with your studies.
Keep it real!
Stay classy or don't! Because it's YOUR life now.

The best thing about college friends is they are as real as it gets. You're finally CHOOSING your friends instead of being stuck around the kids you could never get away from in your hometown.

Also - DO NOT forget your friends from your hometown because they most likely know you the best. They've known you the longest and during your 'developing' years and will always be there for you. Hopefully, that is.

The best part about college classes is being able to take the classes that INTEREST you and if you are stuck in a class that bores the shit out of you then DROP IT or change majors. For real. You have the choice now.

... and with that...

Make smart choices. Better said than done. I've made some interesting choices, but I don't regret them. If anything I praise myself for having the balls to do some of the things I did my freshman year. So when you get ridiculously shcwastey-faced and find yourself sitting on the floor of a bathroom with your legs sticking out under the stall and your friend comes to help you stand- don't beat yourself up over it. It happens. And if it doesn't happen you aren't LIVING. (Of course I don't condone drinking excessively, but the point is you make your choices and you should be ok with the consequences).

One of my favorite quotes is from a book I had to read in ENGL 209 this year.
"I don’t give a fuck anymore what’s behind me, or what’s ahead of me. I’m healthy. Incurably healthy. No sorrows, no regrets. No past, no future. The present is enough for me. Day by day. Today. Le bel aujourd’hui."
- Henry Miller "Tropic of Cancer"

That should be your college experience, because you only get about 4 years.

You should try new things!

For instance I DJ'd at KU's student radio on Saturday mornings my whole first year! It was awesome! I met new people and learned about new music/had my own radio story run!

Go to a 18+ club! I've been to Abe & Jakes (Rape & Skanks) and that was an interesting experience. I've also been to Chateau on Gay Night a couple of times and had a blast with friends.

Go to a hookah lounge! Although I did this in high school it's a great way to go chill out and it's completely legal!

Go see local concerts! Usually really cheap and a lot of fun! (like some hookers I know...)

Go protest! Be part of an activist group and go protest for something you care about!

Learn how to talk to new people! I moved into a house full of 48 other women and although it's not hard for me to be social it's still good to keep up with it and come up with better conversation starters then ("What's your major?" although I did use that one a lot...)

Don't try to hide the things that make you YOU. As cliche as that sounds when I first moved into Sellards I made sure that none of my gigantic collection of Harry Potter things followed and that was a mistake. I could've found out way sooner that I lived with some Potter-freaks if I'd just brought along some of my favorite things!

So I've been preaching a lot about how to live your college life, but you will know what's for you and what's not! I didn't have anyone give me much advice because neither of my parents spent a lot of time in college. I feel like I did really well and have come out with tons of friends and memories. :)

So yes. It comes full circle.

Live life!

Have fun!

Word hard(ish).

Don't drop out!

Hahaha yea so I think that's all for now! Love you all!

- Lana

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Totes Muh Goats and Water Floats


Here's the deal.

This blog was created so I could type out my experiences in college (my dad's idea...) so I wouldn't forget them and when I'm old and too fragile to get my party on I can reread these and chuckle to myself.


One problem.

I obviously haven't been updating this that often ( don't worry I'm not quitting ) and I know it's a bummer...

I haven't been adding my experiences because they aren't really appropriate and could potentially (if seen by the wrong people) get me in trouble that I really don't want to deal with. This blog is linked right from my Facebook and although I'm not friends with my parents ( even though my mom knows most of my adventures...) I'm friends with people who could use my writings (out of obligation) to ruin my life. Ahahahah.

I will be keeping a VERY DETAILED account of some of the GREATEST and WORST moments in my life that have occurred during my freshman year. Just not on this blog... at least not for a while.

I'll be typing them up in ol' trusty Microsoft Word and will eventually archive them here (once I'm in the clear zone). If you'd like to see them (especially if you know you're apart of them hahaha) you can ask me and I'll def send you a copy!

Not only did my dad inspire me to keep my life updated, but also Tucker Max. [ insert your judgments here ] I read his first book "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" and it was great. Now, don't get me wrong his life is RIDICULOUS and I in no way aspire to be like him (can you blame me for enjoying trashy books?) but I like that he basically journaled his craziest moments!

So there you go my friends. Maybe I'll make a more anonymous blog account to start adding my stories. If I did that though I'd have to change the names of the people and places involved which is annoying and I'm not that great at nicknames haha.

So that's all for now (:

Have a safe winter break!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I believe in yesterday.

My last blog was right before fall break.

It's been a while since fall break.

Before I ramble on I should maybe try to introduce what I'm going to type about in this blog...

I'm pretty sure all of my posts up till now have been about all of the exciting aspects of college. (Plus a couple downers - like parking tickets...) but I don't think I've ever really gotten into the shit that goes on in college.

This isn't a ranting... well... actually it could turn into one. (Who doesn't enjoy a rant or two every now and then?)

Since fall break (in fact since the very first day of break at 3pm...) I've been relishing in the typical college scene. You may interpret that however you'd like, because I'd rather not get too extremely explicit. I've been relishing in this spirit almost every single weekend since that Wednesday. And I'll admit I've had a fucking blast. I've made a lot of friends and some fond memories.

As much as I like going out and having fun though I've realized that these weekends of fun haven't really set me any farther towards my ultimate... goal? Actually I'm not going to use the word goal because that seems really douchey to me lol. Anyways... I'm not saying I'd like to rewind the times I've had and change anything (isn't there a 'no regrets' saying thats applicable somewhere??) but this experience in college is one of the easiest and hardest for me to understand.

In high school I never really partied that hard. In fact I only started really getting into it Christmas break my senior year (late bloomer I know...) I've always been the one who liked being in control because that's my comfort zone. End of story. (Designated Driver right here) I still don't like feeling out of control (especially with body movements... although it is funny as hell) and I also don't like feeling like people have control over me. Just a few facts.

So now that I have some actual wild weekends under my belt I'm beginning to sink into my 'analytical' faze. I've just been contemplating it... and I haven't come to any conclusions either so who knows if this moment of clarity will really change anything...

The one thing I miss the most about living with just my mother is being sure of myself.

I live in a house with 50 girls. I love the situation and the people I live with, but there are moments when I just want to scream. I've never been good with big groups of girls especially because I know (and I've been guilty a few times) that girls spread gossip. Most of the times its completely harmless!! But, living here has made me doubt my actions that I would have never doubted before living in Tongie. I almost constantly worry about how some of the girls will react if something about me were to 'leak' and that isn't right. I shouldn't give two shits and I promise I never did in high school, because I knew the choices I made were my own and right for me.

Especially after my last couple of weekends I've been worried about their thoughts...

Which brings me back to why I've been contemplating going out on the weekends.

I don't know. This is mostly just rambling and I take responsibility for my actions but me doubting myself recently has been a very odd experience...

So that's the downers of college for me. That and the cost of tuition... (:

Hopefully I'll come to a happy medium with my situation and it'll turn out all right. But for the meantime I'll just go with the flow and hope my actions haven't offended anyone too badly.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

3 More Days

... till fall break. Ah shit.

This past week or so has been one of my best in college so far.
It's been amazing. Really. Amazing.

I believe it started out last Sunday...
[ enter flashback scene ]

Went to Henry's (this delicious/chill coffee house) with Brenna & Emily to do some homework and also scope out other coffee drinkers/studiers. The lighting wasn't that great to read in but I still got a lot done AND was in the presence of the opposite sex (which doesn't happen a lot when you live with 50 girls!)

Went to Henry's AGAIN on Tuesday afternoon with Brenna, but didn't get a lot done. It ended up just being us trying to do homework but ended up having too much fun skyping each other while we sat side-by-side about the people in Henry's. I'm pretty sure we looked like we were baked out of our minds. Plus- if you ever go there PLEASE try their Frozen Chai. It's a fucking dream.

Thursday night I went to Abe&Jakes for the first time. It's also known as Abe&Skanks... Rape&Skanks... and other pleasant nicknames. It's a club that has Ladies Night on Thursday so two cars full of girls from Sellards went to get our dance on. There were some pretty hot guys there and it made you forget about all of the homework I have piling up (:

Friday. Oh sweet Zeus. This was probably one of the best Friday's I've had in a while. The day was pretty great (because it's friday and who doesn't love the weekends?) and then the night was 10x better. It started off with me, Emily, Charlene and Lucy getting together to go to Romp In the Hay (a fall schol hall event). It was pretty lame and of course... a vagina festival. Literally the ratio of girls to guys at those events are about 100:3. We were being the Skanky Sellardites as usual and standing by ourselves in a corner discussing womanly topics when we got the bright idea to steal a microwave. (Ours broke down the day before... and some of us only eat when there is a microwave... meaning me.) But we couldn't find one. :/ and then we wanted to carve a damn pumpkin. So we looked and looked until me and Charlene spotted the perfect pumpkin sitting alone next to a pillar. We ran up and snatched that pumpkin faster than a molester snatches little kids. We ran literally through the other schol hall with the pumpkin and made it safely back to Sellards. Then we all had a bowl of some cheesy potatoes that we heated up in Pearson's kitchen, watched a movie for exactly 60 seconds, and got ready to go out to a party I had been invited to. Went to the party- which was ballin' and lost a game of beer pong with Emily and also saw some friends from high school! We left a little later and went to another small get together for a bit before hitting the hay. Of course - more exciting stories were wrapped up in those parties (especially including what Charlene and Lucy did because they are creeps and I can't ever take them anywhere! lol) but I'll just keep those between myself and the girls :)

This Saturday I went to the John Lennon art exhibit and it was amazing! I loved seeing all the John Lennon fans and was tempted to rip off my shirt to show my John Lennon inspired tattoo to some of the amazingly attractive guys that were there, but decided against it... I mean... there were children there. Did laundry (big whoop) and finally came back to Sellards to hang out with Emily, Lucy and Charlene again. We chilled and walked to Jimmy Johns and back and loved life.

Sunday Funday. Except not at all. Its the end of the weekend and not only do I have tons of homework (thanks to two exams I have this coming week) but I just don't want to do anything. Brenna gets back today!! I'm super excited cuz I really missed my roomie !! We plan on going out to Henry's again so at some point I'll have to actually shower and look somewhat decent.

Bahhh. I hope you found this entry exciting - although I realize it's not really haha. I just needed to make sure I recorded this week somehow so I didn't forget!

Aaaah college. It really has been the time of my life and it's only half way through the FIRST semester!! I know there will be soooo much more to come and I'm ready.

-Lana (Tana? Jana? Rihanna? I need a new name to go dancing with so drunk guys can actually use it.... )

P.s I need to take pictures and upload them so this blog doesn't look so effing boring. (:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life Lessons 101

Firstly- I'm so fucking happy it's almost Thursday. Like this week is being ridiculously long.


Secondly- I am aware it's been a while since I posted, but with only 1 follower I figured who really cares? And I don't have time to sit around and type this shiz bahaha. :)

Yea yea yea.

So I titled this "Life Lessons" because it seemed like a great way to catch the attention of those seeking advice.

1. Don't wear a dress on an extremely windy day down by Clinton lake and try to climb down to the water with other people around. You will most likely regret not wearing those spandex shorts and feel like the least graceful person in the entire universe.

2. Don't go swimming in Clinton lake. The water is freezing. The rocks are sharp and slippery. The sun is too bright. The waves are basically a tsunami of terror waiting to drown you. Although you will look like a bad ass... you also look kinda crazy. To the dude who did this - nice dread locks!! You're like 50 years old and rockin' em! Still stupid idea though.

3. Did you know that Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg Corn Flakes in hopes that it would reduce masturbation?! Yea. I learned that at the sextival booth on campus. Clearly - we all need to ban corn flakes. I mean, what?

4. Don't stay up till 1am choreographing dances with your roomie instead of sleeping! All of those neck rolls and body pops will leave your body aching the next day, BUT you will have some killer moves for the next dance. ;)

5. Don't EVER take Philosophy: Argument & Reason. The professor may be really super awesome, but you (I) will not understand how an argument can be completely false in the "real world" but still be LOGICAL and VALID.

6. You also probably shouldn't take risque pictures as a joke and post them on your friends FB wall. It leads to a lot of awkwardness, but remember I said 'probably' so that means I won't follow my own advice lol.

Hmmm 6. That sounds like enough advice for one post! I will update some other time about men advice because I feel like you should learn from the mistakes I will obviously make. I'm a fool and suck at flirting so I know you will laugh. :)

Have a grand evening. I'm banking on at least 8 hours of sleep tonight. FUCK YEA!

Lana Banana is ouuuttttt.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Thank God I'm Fresh


This week wasn't as interesting as last week... (So just stop reading now you know you want to) No parking tickets. No hot men giving advice.
But there were still hot men. Just not giving advice. Which I guess is cool because they shouldn't really talk anyways, I mean, they're just there to look at. Who cares if they have something to say? Unless they have a nice mouth and I can watch it while they speak...

Ok. So that all was a joke in case you missed it. (:

Tuesday in film class we watched Memento. It's ridicuuuulousss. Every three minutes I thought, "What the hell just happened?? What is he doing with those pictures?" Pretty mind blowing though so I recommend it if you wanna fry your brain trying to figure it out (:

Wednesday. I don't even remember what happened... i went to class?

Thursday was legit. I concocted (yea i like that word too) some fruit dip out of cream cheese and vanilla yogurt. It was ok. I could definitely use an improvement to that recipe... but Meredith whisked it up for me so its aight fool! We had dinner at Pearson... I'm pretty sure the table I sat at was the loudest there. So of course that's always good.

Oh oh oh oh I was finally able to watch Hercules. Who doesn't love beautiful and manly cartoon characters singing about being in love?? If I were Meg in that movie me and Herc would be getting all sorts of... you get the picture.

Oh and since Thursday is Lupi Day I stayed up way too late eatin' some cereal and talking. Got to do a little hookah which made my whole night.

Now it's Friday. I don't know why I'm still at my computer. I mean... I was invited to like uhm like... 5 parties. All at frats. I'm not scurred. I'm popular be jealous. So I have to get off now and get a quickie boob job and brow-lift in the alley behind my hall so I can meet the man of my dreams who owns an Audi. Duuuhhhh.

Triple D here I come!,


P.s I was just kidding I don't really have anything to add here I just want to put P.s at the end of my post to seem like I had a witty statement to make. Which I don't. So... This is awkward. K bye.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh sunday. You are so cruel.

Where the hell did my weekend go?
I think I lost it somewhere in my laundry basket...

Uhm... anyways...

So first few speed bumps to my college life.

3 parking tickets. (Each $20 and I immediately appealed them. Fuck tha police! ... jk. don't arrest me. love you. )
And my car was backed into. It was parked right behind hers. In clear sight. Like how the fuck do you manage that?

BAH! So that was was a stressful two days.

Heard my voice on the radio. KJHK (90.7). Thursday. No biggie... but maybe I should take voice lessons for speaking because I sound like a freak. Maybe some guys like that though? (Call me if you do ;) )

Let's see what did I do Friday.
I just peed a little. It was pretty exciting. The fountain got me wet.
(That's what she said!) .... Real original i know.

Oh and because I know Bekah will read this... I enjoyed our little bump' n' grind session by the fountain. Tell all your friends. :)

Saturday. Oh I slept in an hour past my alarm for my DJ shift. My bad :( but thank god for KJ.
Did a little sight-seeing in the AM of Sunday.

Sunday-day. Just slept and finished homework. Aren't I fucking cool? OH. And I bought a book from Borders.

So basically- shitty car problems but other than that. Eh. Ok. I feel like I need something witty to end this post with.

No thank you.

Except- why didn't anyone tell me the latest fashion fad was wearing designer flip flops that matched your purse? CUZ I'M BROKE! and that seems too cool/lame for me. That's why (:

Ah skeet skeet-